

Demat everyone,

I'm Yann the participant from France, representing the organization Intercultura.

Our organization promotes intercultural dialogue and human rights education within the framework of a long-life learning process. To achieve these goals, we implement activities and projects for youngsters and adults to foster active participation of the youth, citizenship, and education on human rights and intercultural learning.

On a personnal level, professional and social inclusion is a field in which I want to fight in the future, with a special focus on the inclusion of deaf people. Kenavo!

Mino from Italy

Dear friends,

my name is Mino and we will meet very soon in Portugal. In the meanwhile I would like to give some short information about myself and my organization. Link has been created in 2003 and since then we has promoted many projects for youth and youth workers, promoting mobility and European awareness. We know RATO since a long time and we have developpe good cooperation in the last years so we are sure this seminar will be very positive and fruitful.

About me, not so much to say... I am into international youth work since more than 10 years and I am open and curious about knowing new people. Well, in this case, I already know some of you so it would be also very nice to see again people I have met before. Keep in touch and enjoy the seminar!




My name is Monica, I am the participant from Romania, representing ATDR (Youth and Regional Development Association).

Youth & Regional Development AssociationEstablished in 2001, the association aims  to contribute to the development of the Romanian society by focusing on youth education. 

The various activities carried out are meant to foster their creativity and innate abilities, while promoting European values such as democracy and human rights. As of 2004, ATDR, in partnership with local and foreign NGOs, has been implementing projects focusing on the youth population in Gorj county. 

Through youth exchanges, trainings and seminars, round tables and conferences, ATRD promotes the European Union, its values and the opportunities available for children, youngsters and people with special needs. Its objectives are to encourage international cooperation, to strengthen civic participation, to foster dialog among government institutions and youth organizations, while promoting cultural diversity, sustainable development and social inclusion.

Youth and Regional Development Association 

Looking forward to meeting you! :)


Background material


Na hiperligação que se segue, entram-se informações adicionais sobre o desemprego juvenil.



On the following link, you'll find addicional information about youth unemployment.




 Hello everybody,

My name is Kristine and I am the participant from Latvia representing the organization Youth Against AIDS

Youth against AIDS is a non-governmental youth organization that involves young people, aged 15-30, as volunteers. 
The organization's focus and primary long-term goals relate to the involvement of young people in work with their peers, educating them about HIV/AIDS, sexually transmitted disease (STIs) and other issues which relate to one's health and one's lifestyle. We seek to change lifestyles so as to reduce the spread of HIV/AIDS in our country. 


The organization is working since 1997, organizing educational and informational activities such as workshops in schools and youth centers, discussions, summer camps and street actions, as well as informational activities in popular night clubs and festivals. 

YAA is sending and hosting organization of EVS projects. 



My name is Anabela and I'm the participant of Luxembourg representing the organization CCPL.

The CCPL asbl aims to help the harmonious integration of the migrant community (namely Portuguese speaking, but not only) into Luxembourg´s society. Through the cooperation with several migrants and Luxemburgish associations, and by direct actions in the social, cultural, educative, recreational and sportive domains, it maintains a permanent action against all forms of racism and xenophobia.

The CCPL asbl, organizes:

  • language courses to help the migrants' integration;
  • informatics training courses;
  • publishes a newsletter for Portuguese Associations, Consultative Commission Members, the youth and population in general and also retrieves information from the Portuguese community and Luxembourg society.

In the cultural field, CCPL also promotes and organizes a lot of cultural events, such as a Film Festival, Art Exhibitions, Theatre Festival and other cultural events in co-operation with other local, Portuguese and European partners.

Programa de [Program of] viaEUropa

Cartaz da viaEUropa [viaEUropa's flyer]


Jornal do Seixal


O Jornal do Seixal é um órgão de imprensa local de distribuição gartuita que há seis anos serve as populações do concelho do Seixal Em termos de linha editorial o jornal tem um carácter generalista, no entanto atribui especial enfoque às questões de natureza social, como inclusão social, envelhecimento activo, voluntariado e associativismo.

Para além da edição em papel que distribui 15 000 exemplares, o Jornal do Seixal está disponivel on line em www.jornaldoseixal.org.

A edição em pdf é também distribuida para uma base de dados de 14 000 contactos.


Jornal do Seixal is a local media outlet of free distribution for six years to the people in the Municipal of Seixal. In terms of editorial the newspaper has a general nature while giving special emphasis to social issues, such as social inclusion, active aging, volunteering and associations.

In addition to the paper edition that distributes 15,000 copies, the Jornal do Seixal is available online at www.jornaldoseixal.org.

The PDF edition is also distributed to a database of 14 000 contacts.


Hello everyone,

My name is Tina Trdin, I am attending this event through student´s club organization, where I am project leader, club councillor, in charge of international projects and in charge of applying our organization on different tenders.
Apart from this I am also very active in a Slovenian SCI partner organization Zavod Voluntariat, Volunteering on an international project You(th) can volunteer, EPTO peer trainer, and soon to be and work as SCI placement officer for this organization.

Something more about Club of Litija and Šmartno students:

Club of Litija and Šmartno students is a non-governmental and non-profit organization for all the students in the region, it provides its members a multitude of ways to actively spend free time and lower costs of their studies and to engage in informal learning opportunities. Through various activities (sports activities, seminars, one day trips, mountain hikes, creative workshops, concerts, round tables, international exchanges, cultural events etc.) we offer space for relaxation, personal growth, realization of their ideas, encourage their creativity, spirit of sport, entrepreneurship, national and international mobility and cooperation with young people in the local community, region, country, Europe and the world.


Setúbal na Rede


O “Setúbal na Rede” é um jornal regional do distrito de Setúbal. É um projecto pioneiro e inovador, pois foi o primeiro jornal exclusivamente digital do país, nomeado para o Prémio Jovem Empreendedor da ANJE.

O “Setúbal na Rede” diferencia-se pela qualidade da informação e criatividade, assente num jornalismo sério, isento e rigoroso, que foi galardoado com o Prémio Gazeta de Imprensa Regional ’99.

O “Setúbal na Rede” disponibiliza um conjunto vasto de informação sobre o distrito,através de diversas secções e canais temáticos que constituem um verdadeiro serviço de interesse público.

O “Setúbal na Rede” dinamiza várias iniciativas fora do âmbito digital, desde a edição de livros à organização de seminários, debates e tertúlias, assumindo-se como um parceiro activo no desenvolvimento da região.

O “Setúbal na Rede” é hoje uma referência na Internet em Portugal, projectando o nome e as potencialidades deste distrito por todo o país e pelo mundo.

O “Setúbal na Rede”, com uma audiência média que rivaliza com os principais jornais nacionais, quer continuar a alimentar um trabalho de extrema importância na promoção da região em que se insere, projectando-a em todo o mundo.


“Setúbal na Rede” is a regional newspaper in the district of Setúbal. It is a pioneering and innovative project, as it was the first exclusively digital newspaper in the country, nominated for the Young Entrepreneur Award from ANJE.

“Setúbal na Rede” is differentiated by the quality of information and creativity based on a serious journalism, free and accurate, which was awarded the '99 Regional Press Gazette prize.

“Setúbal na Rede” offers a wide range of information about the district through various sections and theme channels that constitute a true service of public interest.

“Setúbal na Rede” streamlines various initiatives outside the digital realm from book publishing to the organization of seminars, discussions and gatherings, taking as an active partner in the development of the region.

“Setúbal na Rede” is now a reference on the Internet in Portugal, projecting the name and potential of the district throughout the country and the world.

“Setúbal na Rede”, with an average audience that rivals with the major national newspapers, wants to continue to foster a work of extreme importance in promoting the region in which it operates, projecting it around the world.


I’m Carles Cunill, a youth worker from La Vibria Intercultural in Terrassa, and president of Volatin; an international network to create, translate and promote non formal education tools for latin speaking countries, in wich most of the partners of ViaEUropa are.

La Vibria Intercultural: working from our base in the Casa Baumann, in Terrassa, Spain. We organize and take part in international exchanges, training courses, and local initiatives with various partners both here in Terrassa and internationally; promoting the catalan culture, facilitating youth mobility and empowering the creativity of our youngsters in all the aspects of their lives. Our team consists of young and diverse range of individuals; an interdisciplinary team of professionals and local and international volunteers.

La Vibria team is very glad to take part in ViaEUropa, which will help our organizations to share, methods, experiences and tools and work together to find solutions against unemployment. which actually is one of the biggest problems in our society.

Hallo and olá!

Hello everybody,

my name is Katrin Morlok and I'm the participant for the Portuguese group representing the organization Rato-ADCC. I'm also part of the organization team of the 'viaEUropa' feasability visit and responsible for the administration and logistic stuff.

Actually I'm German and doing a 3-month Leonardo Da Vinci-Traineeship at Rato. I've known the organization for several years now - since I did my European Voluntary Service in 2006/2007 and took part in the development of the Youth Initiative project 'openEUropa' which became a new intervention field for Rato.

Rato - Association for Cultural and Scientific Promotion is a Portuguese organisation without profit intentions whose mission is centred on the stating of the society of information and emerging information and communication technologies.

Rato - ADCC is an open project, dynamic to new wills and ideas, in a democratic enrichment perspective of the organisation. The biggest asset of the Rato - ADCC are people and their ideas.

Rádio Baía


A Rádio Baía é a primeira Rádio Local a surgir no Concelho do Seixal! Aconteceu a 15 de Junho de 1985, mercê de muita perseverança, muita luta, muita força de vontade e muito trabalho, a culminar um sonho de criança do Nelson Fernando.

A Rádio Baía é a "filha directa" dos Serviços de Difusão Sonora do Grupo Desportivo Mundet (início dos anos 60 do século XX) e do Programa "Seixal Radiofónico", emitido para todo o país nos ex-Emissores Associados de Lisboa, entre 1 de Fevereiro de 1973 e 31 de Dezembro de 1975.

A diversidade da sua programação, os temas escolhidos para o desenvolvimento dos seus noticiários (privilegiando os acontecimentos da nossa região) e a atenção dada às colectividades de cultura , desporto e recreio, a verticalidade e a honestidade das suas posições fizeram da Rádio Baía uma das mais prestigiadas Emissoras, respeitada em qualquer lugar, e guindaram-na aos lugares cimeiros da audiência na Área Metropolitana de Lisboa.


Rádio Baía is the first Local Radio to emerge in the Municipal of Seixal! It happened on June 15, 1985, thanks to preserverance, a lot of fighting and a lot of willpower along with hard work, the culmination of a childhood dream of Fernando Nelson.

Rádio Baía is the "direct child" of the Sound Broadcast Services Group Sports Mundet(early 60s of the twentieth century) and the Program "Seixal Radiofónico", issued for the entire country in ex-Issuers Associates Lisbon, between February 1, 1973 and December 31, 1975.

The diversity of its programming, the themes chosen for the development of their news (focusing on the events of our region) and attention to local culture, sport and recreation, verticality and honesty of their positions made Rádio Baía one of the most prestigious broadcasters, respected everywhere, guided it to the top places of the audience in the Metropolitan Area of Lisbon.


Programa Juventude em Acção [Youth in Action Programme]

O Programa Juventude em Acção é um um programa da União Europeia orientado para a Juventude com o objectivo estimular o sentido activo de cidadania europeia, a solidariedade e tolerância entre os jovens europeus e o seu envolvimento na construção do futuro da União Europeia [Youth in Action Program is a program of the European Union for Youth with the objective of stimulating the active concept of european citizenship, solidarity and tolerance between young people and their involvement in the constrution of the future of the European Union].

Para mais informações, consultem os seguintes sítios [For more information about this local mass medium, you can check out the following websites]: